Welcome to the ESOBGA website.
The English School Old Boys and Girls Association
The Rev. Canon Frank Newham OBE, MA, 1864 - 1946
Founder of The English School, Nicosia

The Association was formed and inaugurated in February of 1928 as ‘ESOBA’ (The English School Old Boys Association). It was formed in order to preserve close ties and promote the sports-social-cultural spirit of the graduates of the English School, Nicosia.

As a Club House, the premises of the Sports Club (which, by the way, were a portion of the old School), were acquired. This was a convenient meeting and resting place for Old Boys visiting Nicosia, and a place of refreshment and recreation for the Nicosia Old Boys.

The Annual General Meeting of the Old Boys Association in 1962 was attended by six ‘old’ girls as well. The main topic for discussion was the modification of the constitution to extend membership to old girls. The ESOBA was accordingly renamed ESOBGA.

ESOBGA was duly registered in the books of the Registrar of Associations and Institutions in 1973 with registration number 106.
ESOBGA has its own Clubhouse erected in 1974 at the northeast corner of the School grounds which enables the Association to pursue its objectives more effectively. The decision to renovate our clubhouse was taken in 2009. Construction works started in 2009 and the new clubhouse was completed in 2010.

The majority of functions which are organised by the Association are held at the Clubhouse and are attended by a good number of graduates and their guests.
ESOBGA may organise cultural, social, cultural, sporting and other events. The Board can devote any such event in honour or in memory of any person who has provided valuable services to the Association, the English School in Nicosia and Cyprus in general. ESOBGA has set up sports teams that participate in activities designed to promote fair play and healthy competition (Hockey, Basketball, Football).

ESOBGA offers rewards to students and provides money prizes to graduates of the English School, Nicosia.

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Guardians of Tradition

‘‘A School is an Organic Entity and must change. But some things, the really essential things, must remain the same – and that is where Old Boys and Girls come into the picture...


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Latest Photos

Commemoration Event “The English School, Nicosia, Cyprus 70 years from the death of its founder Canon Frank Newham”
Sunday 6 March 2016, E.S.O.B.G.A. Clubhouse
Commemoration Event “The English School, Nicosia, Cyprus 70 years from the death of its founder Canon Frank Newham”
Sunday 6 March 2016, E.S.O.B.G.A. Clubhouse
Commemoration Event “The English School, Nicosia, Cyprus 70 years from the death of its founder Canon Frank Newham”
Sunday 6 March 2016, E.S.O.B.G.A. Clubhouse
Commemoration Event “The English School, Nicosia, Cyprus 70 years from the death of its founder Canon Frank Newham”
Sunday 6 March 2016, E.S.O.B.G.A. Clubhouse
Commemoration Event “The English School, Nicosia, Cyprus 70 years from the death of its founder Canon Frank Newham”
Sunday 6 March 2016, E.S.O.B.G.A. Clubhouse
Commemoration Event “The English School, Nicosia, Cyprus 70 years from the death of its founder Canon Frank Newham”
Sunday 6 March 2016, E.S.O.B.G.A. Clubhouse
Commemoration Event “The English School, Nicosia, Cyprus 70 years from the death of its founder Canon Frank Newham”
Sunday 6 March 2016, E.S.O.B.G.A. Clubhouse
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